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Genealogia Section to Podcast

By makas_nc - Posted on 02 April 2006

Seems that the word: Genealogy is a looked upon with distain from those
that study History. For that reason I left the word out of the
description of the Nuestra Familia Unida podcast project. Genealogy is a
subset of History and felt I was not slighting anyone in the genealogy
camp by doing this. Well with some files on genealogy scattered around
the website I thought I should at least create a section for the
genealogical materials, which I did.

Have a look at the new genealogy section of the Nuestra Familia Unida

There are a lot of talented and knowledgeable folks that are receiving
this notice that I could almost "beg" to step forward and produce
content for this section. If you have a genealogical message within your
understanding that could benefit the community I would ask, say, tell,
command (well that's going a little overboard), plead with you to bring
this light out from under your bushel basket and help those of us that
need this understanding.

Don't feel you have to have a Ph.D. or be some kind of authority to
contribute. A small contribution here and there will add up to a section
of this podcast project that will help many. Be part of it.
