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Latest grandchild

By dpdelgadol - Posted on 01 April 2006

My wife Gloria and I are still here, Xossef. You can't lose us that easily. We're slow but steady...como las tortugas. We don't have any great grandchildren yet. Our latest grandchild is Elena Lin, 8 months old. Her father is our youngest son, Eduardo Mateo Cancio DELGADO Calvillo. Her mother is Janeen Louie Wong, fourth generation Chinese-American. Elena's GGGGGGGGGParents are: Pedro de Campos and Xacinntta de Espinossa from Pinos, Zacatecas. I estimate their birth at 1660/1665. That's on my father's side. Gloria would have to do her own calculation for her side.

We are in Albany, CA. How does Elena get to Pinos? Here goes: Oxnard, CA (me)>Tepatitlan, Jal(dad)>Aguas, Ags(GP)>el Mesquite, Encarnacion de Diaz, Jal(married Garcia Espitia)>el Capulin, Jal>la Sieneguita, Jal>Lagos de Moreno, Jal(Espitia married De Campos)>Pinos. Considering that I have ancestors who were Piro, Chiricahua, Tepecan or , Basque and Gloria is half Puerto Rican including African, Taino, Basque and yet-to-be determined others...poor Elena will need a pamphlet to figure out exactly what kind of a "salad" she is. Fascinating...huh?

David Delgado, retired and beginnin to enjoy it.

-----Original Message-----
>From: Joseph Puentes
>Sent: Apr 1, 2006 4:25 AM
>Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Bueno ???
>is there anyone on the other end of this email?
>Did we lose all of you?
>I hate to stimulate conversation for the sake of conversation, but. . .
>. . .I really would appreciate you emailing back to the list if you get
>this message.
>If you get this message just click "reply" change the Subject and send
>me your favorite recipe for hand made Tortillas de Harina or tell me the
>name of your latest great grandchild who just happens to be a direct
>decendant of your GGGG grandfather from Los Altos de Jalisco or explain
>to me some of the unusual things that your parents did that might have
>been folklore and tradition coming from generations ago in Mexico. .
>.for example. . .Every once in a while my Mom would be doing her thing
>and suddenly she would in a hightened voice say, "Mijo vengase aqui." I
>would come to her and she would put her hand in my pocket and have this
>look of discomfort on her face. Well on the surface this would appear
>strange until you heard the "rest of the story." Seems that at these
>time of hurried action she would suddenly be struck with a big "itch" in
>the palm of her hand. . .it didn't happen often but when it did this was
>a "sign" to her that Money was near. So she would find her closest child
>and transfer that money into one of their pockets while at the same time
>suffering the discomfort of having the itch in her palm.
>Sounds strange, but my Mom would do things like that and to us it was
>So did any of your Mom's ever pass on their thoughts and traditions and
>beliefs via their "old country" way of thinking?