Bookstores in Mexico

Hi all. I am planning a trip to Mexico in the fall (leisure trip to Cabo San Lucas, B.C. Sur) and was wondering if anybody knows of a bookstore chain - or national bookseller - in Mexico that I can reasearch and perhaps order some geneaology books from.

new member introduction

My name is Angelina and as a new member I want to take this
opportunity to introduce myself. My interest in genealogy started when
my father passed away and I became painfully aware that I knew very

for Irene Sweet

Great message Daniel, I feel the same.  I would love to travel to the land of my ancestors and feel of their spirits.  I want to see the land where they lived and I would like to find the living family.  I would like to find the ranches that my grandfather owned.  I would like to find pictures of family members long gone.  I have always wanted to see what they looked like.  I just would like to know them better.

Cabesa de Baca surname in Jalisco

My ancestors descend back in to the Cabesa de Baca surname in the southern cities Of Ocotlan, Jamay, and La Barca, Jalisco. Are there any members with ancestry in this part of the state? My direct anc

Geneology file: Reynoso-Renteria (+Haro, Rodrigues, Corona...) - Moyahua, ZAC.

Hi everyone. I posted my geneology file; it contains seven generations from ZACATECAS: mostly from Moyahua & Contitlan, but also some Jalisco (Altos) scattered about.

[You can find it if you click on my memberID, then on the "TRACK" tab.]

Valle de Guadalupe Meeting

Hola a todos.

Solo quería decirles que acaba de finalizar nuestra conferencia de HISTORIA
DE LOS ALTOS DE JALISCO y fue un gran éxito. Tuvimos la asistencia de 73
personas, entre ellas 7 miembros de Nuestros Ranchos y muchos más futuros

General Digest, Vol 31, Issue 2

Hi Sofia,

Funny you should ask about visiting the graveyards in Los Altos. Some years
back I asked my Dad to take me to the cemetery and he looked at me as if I
had taken leave of my senses. He asked me why I would want to go there and


Hello Everyone,

I have a question............Has anyone gone to the graveyards of Jalostotitlan, Lagos, Teocaltiche etc., to take photos of the graves and get the info from the tombstones?


Quezada, enigma to me

What is worth to navigate?
About two days ago I got curious about Daniel Mendez family tree and thought maybe he has it in rootsweb site, I tried some surnames and voila! found out we descend from Juan De Leon and María De Escapa, difference is his Juan has "Quezada" surname and the Coss Y Leon, mine is only De Leon, we already communicate about this.