INURRIAGA in Jalisco

Hi all...has anyone found this name in their searches around ? Looking for Silvestre, whose mother's maiden name was (possibly) FRANCO.

Inurriaga doesn't seem to be such a popular name. Please ad

New Member Intro

Hello , to everyone in the group my name is Cecilia and I am starting my work on my family in
Jalostotitlan, not sure how to go about this and will appreciate any and all help and advice. my GG grandfather Jose Juan Olivar Married Maria Crescencia Padilla 1858 in SanJuan De Los Lagos . I have tried to get info from the LDS sight and find there is not a lot of info there and happened along your sight and hope for guidance in locating family tree in Mexico. I also don't know much about G grandfather Tomas

Terms & Place Names In Records

Hi, Everyone:
I am currently going through a film for the marriage records of the San
Diego Parish of Huejuquilla El Alto, Jalisco for the 1800's. Well, I have
found a new term I have never run across before and wanted to ask if anyone

Temino or Tremino

Can someone have a look at this record and tell me if the surname in
this record from Sombrerete is Temino or probably Tremino.




News Release

August 13, 2008

Fee-for-Service Program Replaces Lengthy FOIA Process

WASHINGTON — Customers can now turn to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration

I'm back on the saddle doing research!

hola nuestros primos,
I've been on a hiatus for over a year on my genealogy search.
And with wonderful help from the pilot program, i have found new ancestors.
I'll be posting info on some of the research and areas were i'm "stuck"

I'm back on the saddle doing research!

hola nuestros primos,
I've been on a hiatus for over a year on my genealogy search.
And with wonderful help from the pilot program, i have found new ancestors.
I'll be posting info on some of the research and areas were i'm "stuck"

CAMPOS Campos de La Jara (El Jaral), Municipio de San Juan de los Lagos,

Does any one has any information on the CAMPOS family from San Juan de los Lagos?

You are Coordinately Invited to the VII Binational Policy Forum on Migration and Health in Zacatecas Oct October 6-7

(See attached file: Invitation to 8th Policy Forum.pdf)

On behalf of the Planning Committee for the Binational Policy Forum on
Migration and Health please find attached an invitation to the VII

Relato Silesia Julio 2008

Saludos a todos los amigos de Nuestros Ranchos:

Como quedé les escribo para platicarles como nos fué en Europa.

Hace dos semanas que regresamos, visitamos familiares en Alemania y seguimos nuestra labor genealógica tocante a los antepasados de mi esposo Guenter en Silesia, Alemania hasta 1945, Polonia desde entonces. Esta vez más que a investigar, fuimos a recoger frutos, pues como resultado del trabajo intenso de 8 años, hace 6 años, encontramos un palacio que fué de un tío bisabuelo suyo, dos años más tarde y por medio del internet, la bisnieta de éste señor contactó a mi marido, preguntando por el palacio y la posibilidad de parentesco. Por esas fechas una familia polaca y para nosotros desconocida, compró el palacio y también le escribió a Guenter con el deseo de conocerlo y enterarse de la familia que habitó el dicho palacio hasta fines de la II Guerra Mundial o sea su tío bisabuelo. Desde entonces hemos estado en contacto con la Familia Leda (nuevos dueños del palacio) y por iniciativa de ellos, se celebró éste año una reunión de las dos familias. Los Leda de Polonia y dos ramas de los Boehm, la nuestra con miembros en USA, Alemania y México y los decendientes directos del Mayor Gustav Böhm dueño del placio de 1889 a 1945, que actualmente viven en Namibia, Sudafrica, Alemania y USA. Todos estuvimos muy contentos.