research test 1 for Joseph

research test 1 for Joseph


general test 1 for Joseph

general test 1 for Joseph


announce test 1 for Joseph

announce test 1 for Joseph


San Juan De Los Lagos: Francisco Diaz/Maria de San Jose Gutierres

I guess I don't really need the actual record but would like to know if anyone in the group might have this couple in their database AND more importantly if you know Francisco's parents:


Saint Cristobal Magallanes Jara's relatives in Peoria, Illinois

I wanted to share the fact that I was recently contacted by a priest in the Peoria, Illinois diocese for some help confirming the relationship of some men in the diocese to Saint Cristobal Magallanes Jara. He had found my database online and I was able to trace the men's mother's ancestry back to a shared common root to the Saint. Father Jared was kind enough to mention me in his article in the Catholic Post.



I have not received any email from Nuestros Ranchos since last weekend. As
far as I know, nothing in my system has changed. I've been getting other
email as usual. However, it is possible that a disruption in service from

Mexican-American Family Integration

In light of recent discussions on this site about ethnicity in Mexico, here is an interesting article titled "Extended Family Integration Among Euro and Mexican Americans: Ethnicity, Gender, Class" that I thought might be interesting to those of us in the US with Euro and Mexican ancestors. (Requires PDF reader).

Inundaciones en Tlaltenango - Floods in Tlaltenango

Por si acaso no habian escuchado de esto... la gente en la tierra de nuestros ancestros esta sufriendo de los efectos de las lluvias e inundaciones.

In case you had not heard about this... the people in the land of our ancestors are suffering due to heavy rains and flooding.

Bienvenido, Víctor.


No puedo ayudar con tus preguntas. Sin embargo, hice unas rápidas búsquedas. Descubrí que parece haber información de uno de tu bisabuelos en un microfilm, #1155497. Ese microfilm está a mi alcance en la biblioteca que yo visito los martes y miércoles. Posiblemente ya tienes esos datos pero si quieres puedo enviar una copia. Se trata del matrimonio siguiente: