Heraldry Book: Winner/Ganador

As hard as it was to believe there was a direct hit winner. In the
future I will not make the mistake of neglecting to inform everyone to
email me directly with your guesses. I'm sorry to everyone in the group


For Bill Figueroa, re Moran & Martines-Calbillo / Lopes

Bill, I have several questions about the family of Domingo MORAN and his wife Antonia MARTINES-CALBILLO / LOPES. Where does the LOPES come in with Antonia MARTINES-CALBILLO? Are their parents named in their wedding document [4 Aug 1665]?

Research Digest, Vol 35, Issue 18

Rudy and Esperanza,? my ancestors are Quesadas from the Teocaltiche, Jalisco area also.? My great-grandfather was Emigdio Quezada and his parents were Jose Guadalupe Quezada and Gregoria Martinez.? I don't have birthdates for Jose or Gregoria.? Does this help any of you???? Do you have any dates for your Quesadas???


SAludos a todos/ Hi to all:
Yo tambien necesito ayuda. He llegado a un tope en mi busqueda por mi lado paterno. Mi auelo se llamo Paulino Sevilla, mi abuela Hexiquia Morgutia. De mi abuela si he logrado obtener informacion pero de mi abuelo nada. Se que murio en 1955 en Santa Catarina Jalisco/Zacoalco de Torres. Pero al parecer el nombre del pueblo Santa Catatina fue cambiado a General Andres Figueroa. Si alguien pudiera ayudarme y decirme si ustedes encuentran informacion sobre Paulino Sevilla. Quisiera saber quien fue el padre y abuelo de el.

Macias and Limon in Teocaltiche

Rudy and Esperanza,

Congratulations on the discovery of your connection, the excitement is palpable and there's nothing like it, to finally make that familial connection.

That's what brings us to this group, the hope that we'll learn about ourselves by learning about our ancestors, and if in the process we make a connection with a family member, it's a homerun.

Thank you all for your for your attention

Regarding braceros,

Leticia Leon

I need help with

I found a web site: which describes how to get assistance in obtaining compensation. If you carry out a google search on "bracero" you will find a lot of reading material.

David Delgado in Albany, CA

My name

Sorry, I forgot to sign with my name, it is Leticia Leon

Added a photo

I just added a pic of my father´s bracero envelope

I need help with "braceros"

Hello all!

My father was a "bracero" (laborer contracted in a group). I think "bracero" term refers to "brazo" equal to "arm" for labor or work in the U. S. during, but not exclusivly, World War II and Korea War.