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Heraldry Book: Winner/Ganador

By makas_nc - Posted on 19 December 2008

As hard as it was to believe there was a direct hit winner. In the
future I will not make the mistake of neglecting to inform everyone to
email me directly with your guesses. I'm sorry to everyone in the group
that got those 30+ messages from various members with only a number in
the message. My mistake my apology.

. . .and the winner is Juan Jose Ramirez Ibarra who guessed exactly the
number, "297" that my wife Figen picked before I made the initial
announcement of the free book offering.

Juan Jose if you will contact me privately at
we'll work out a way for me to mail you the book, congratulations!


ps: my condolences to those that picked numbers very close to 297. We
had a guesses of 277, 279, 299, 300, 301, and 305 and a few others that
were very close.


Joseph Puentes (Vegan Environmental Solutions Podcast) (Environmental Podcast) (Blog for above) (Women's Peace Podcast) (Latin American History Podcast) (Jalisco, Zacatecas, and Aguascalientes