Rancho de la Savor ? Not sure of correct spelling/name

I have a marriage record for Cruz Chaves y Juana Gonzales dated 02 April 1856.

Recall: Cortez Alvarado

Maria Cortes would like to recall the message, "[Nuestros Ranchos] Cortez Alvarado".
Notice: This email message, including any attachments, contains
information belonging to Trinity Industries, Inc.

Maria Marquez of Mezquitic, Jalisco

Hi everyone, my name is Ruben Marquez and I am currently researching my grandma. I am an amateur I assure you, I seriously cant find any information about her, her kids and where they where at at the turn of the 20th century. The only thing I have found was a birth/death certificate from my Uncle where it states her name and her first husbands name Jesus Montes. The bad part is that it only states 1924 and the birth place of Mezquital, Jalisco, Mexico. The information that I have is bellow. If anyone has found any information during your research and would like to share it would be deeply appreciated! Thanks

Ruben Marquez

Cortez Alvarado

Busco informacion sobre Pilar Ortiz y Paula Torres. Lo unico que tengo es que se casaron en San Felipe Gto. Se que tuvieron a u hijo llamado Jose Estanislao Ortiz en San Isidro de Ocampo.

El Morisco (a)

Today I was researching my Lizarraga line, and I discovered an interesting entry for my paternal 4th Great Grandfather, Salvador de Lizarraga, married to Maria Rosa de Herrera Anzaldo, on 20 Oct 1748

Copia Fotografica de los padrones de Jalostotitlan de 1650, 1670, 1673, 1679, 1764 y 1770

The internet address of the Jalos Padrones is below.

El link de los padrones de Jalos esta abajo.

Feligrecía de Villita

Has anyone heard of this place - Feligresía de Villita? (Ags marriage
record dated 1874, birthplace of spouse). From context I presume it
was in Aguascalientes, Zacatecas, or Jalisco.


Hola Mike, los felicito por la reunion familiar, nunca pense que se juntaran tantos, 1500 personas es un record.
Ruben Casillas M.

Francisca de Alcocer esposa de Diego Temiño de Velasco

I have found some sources that give some genealogy on Diego Temiño de Velasco’s wife Francisca de Alcocer.