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Feligrecía de Villita

By Stuart Armstrong - Posted on 31 August 2010

Has anyone heard of this place - Feligresía de Villita? (Ags marriage
record dated 1874, birthplace of spouse). From context I presume it
was in Aguascalientes, Zacatecas, or Jalisco. And perhaps it could be
intended to mean "Feligresía de la Villa de Aguascalientes", but
that's a bit of a stretch. I found numerous Villitas in Ags, Zac, and
Jalisco but most of them were ranchos or other small entities and I
can't decide which of them, if any, may be part of a parish or
feligresía of the same name.
Incidentally, the record in question refers to persons who also lived
in Letras, so I presume that unless they travelled far, Feligresía de
Villita must have been not too far from Letras.

Best regards,