Mejia/Castaneda, Jerez Zacatecas Mexico

Is anyone working on the Joaquin Mejia/Ma. Cayetana Castaneda line in the district of Jerez Zacatecas?

Mezquitic, Jalisco

Does anyone Know if there are records of Mezqutic Jalisco, from 1950-1930 pertaining to baptisms and/or birth certificates.

actas de nacimiento en Zacatecas

Pregunta.....en donde se registraban los bautizos de los niños que nacían en Sain Alto, Zac.....ya que ese municipio no viene en el family search del estado.


Group Help on Methodology Required,
I need to know the correct methodology because for the first time I'm researching surnames that are plentiful:  Sepulveda and Morales.  And to complicate thing

Saldivar Ramirez

Wondering if anyone can help me tie in these people with Juan Silva Ramirez 1901 - 1994, hijo de Pedro Silva and Angela Ramirez.

Zacatecas Catholic Church Images - Brief Index Valparaiso - La Purisima Concepcion

Mexico Catholic Church Records Valparaiso -La Purisima Concepcion

1. Cover
2. Certification of Records
3. Indice 1883-1886 A-B
4. Indice cont. B-Ch

Jaime Holcomb and Lope Ruiz de Esparza

In the Family Group Sheet for Lope Ruiz de Esparza and Francisca Gabay, Jaime Holcomb cites the following reference:

Calvillo, Ags. - Donato Gutierrez and Feliciana Serna b. 1855

I have a civil records entry from Calvillo, Ags. Deaths 1935 lists Felicana Serna as the child of Juan Serna and Petra ( no name given) and widow of Donato Gutierrez.

Guadalajarita, Zacatecas 1930 Census Question

I am looking for specific family members in the 1930 Mexico Census for Guadalajarita, Zacatecas. However, after looking over all of the available images, I am not finding them.