Garcia de Monroy y Pizarro

Hello Cousins, I realize this is an old post but I wanted to find out if anyone has additional information about a specific family in Tequila mentioned here on page 5 of this post: http://www.nuestros

Research Digest, Vol 174, Issue 5

Hello everyone, I have a copy of the entire set of these books, some of them are still in the original wrapper.

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> On Jul 21, 2020, at 1:41 PM, research-request@lists.nuestrosranc

Campos family from Lagos de Moreno and Mexico DF

Can someone look up a surname for me in their Retonos book?

Milicias Dragones of Colotlan 1785? Who's side were they on?


I need some help here because I am confused about whose side were the Milicias Dragones of Colotlan, Jalisco, Mexico were on in 1785?

Estrada, indios de Teponahuasco, Cuquio

Hola, mi apellido es Estrada y quisiera investigar un poco mas sobre mi ancestros directos.

Francisco Suárez de Ibarra, Miguel de Ibarra y Pimentel y Francisco Xavier de Ibarra y Zúñiga VIzcaíno

Francisco Suárez de Ibarra (1598-1687), Alférez Real de Guadalajara, married Isabel de Pimentel; they had, among other children, two sons, Miguel de Ibarra y Pimentel (born 1631), who married Agustina

Francisco Suárez de Ibarra, Miguel de Ibarra y Pimentel y Francisco Xavier de Ibarra y Zúñiga VIzcaíno

Francisco Suárez de Ibarra (1598-1687), Alférez Real de Guadalajara, married Isabel de Pimentel; they had, among other children, two sons, Miguel de Ibarra y Pimentel (born 1631), who married Agustina

Francisco Ibarra y Catalina Díaz Mondragón

Francisco Ibarra y Cathalina Díaz Mondragón
Buenas noches, compañeros.

Son of Francisco Suárez de Ibarra and Isabel Pimentel

I’m trying to find out if Alferez Real Francisco Suárez y de Ibarra’s and Isabel Pimentel’s son, Miguel, born in 1631, married in 1656 to a woman named Agustina de Zúñiga y Mendoza.