Website ONLY!!! Website ONLY!!! Website ONLY!!!

I am seriously considering doing something that should have been done long ago. The automatic delivery of emails system is not working correctly and I'm planning on closing it down completely. .

Colección de padrones

Colección de padrones

Ancestors Zacapanecos query by jorge@raicesdeyucatan on General Digest, Vol 164, Issue 1

Replying to jorge@raicesdeyucatan :

" Hello everyone, Does anybody know where I can purchase these books today?
Thanks in advance, J."

My response:

Have you checke

The Vandals Connection to New Mexican Families (Haplogroup I)

From: Angel R. Cervantes
Sent: Saturday, August 1, 2020 2:32 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients:

Nochistlan Hijos Naturales Baptisms

I am searching, image by image, the 1793 baptisms in "Bautismos de hijos legitimos 1792-1796" (as FamilySearch has labeled it) collection for a natural birth, since there are no other baptism volumes


Hola primos,

In doing my research I sometimes see names with the title "Don" or "Doña". Most of the times it's just their names with no titles.

Children of Alferez Francisco Suárez de Ibarra

According to what I have been able to investigate, the children of Francisco Suárez de Ibarra (ca.1577-1641), Alférez Real de Guadalajara, were the following:

Juan Gomez Garcia comprobacion de filiacion

Que tal, he estado bastante enrredado con con la genealogía de Juan Gomez Garcia, aquel que caso con María de la Candelaria de Aguilar, y quisiera saber si alguien sabe como comprobar la filiación con

Los hijos de Francisco Suárez de Ibarra

Según lo que he podido investigar, los hijos de Francisco Suárez de Ibarra (ca.1577-1641), Alférez Real de Guadalajara, fueron los siguientes: