i found a capellania for nicolas sanchez castellanos
i'm going to read it to see what other geneaological info i can get from this.
Alvarez de la Cañada de los Alvarez (Juanacatlan)
Alguien ha investigado de donde provenia Francisco Alvarez y Juana de los Rios padres de Antonio Alvarez?
-Francisco Alvarez y Juana de los Rios
what is this document about?
El Limon, Jalisco
Noticed that a few in the group have made reference to El Limon, Jalisco. Here is a book about that area. It might be available via ILL, check for it on WorldCat:
Historia del valle de El Limón
Hi everyone!
My research for the past two years has been inspiring for me but I have holes in my research.
My great grandmother was Adelaida E. Nandino, born in Calveras, CA in 1852.
Nandino and Renteria Family
Hello, I am looking for information on the Nandino family in Cocula,Jallisco.
Research Digest, Vol 86, Issue 9
I found a Ma Virginia Rodarte Lopez that was baptized on 21 September 1870 in Nuestra Senora Del Roble, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon. Parents Sabino Rodarte y Ma Sipriana Lopes.
I have reached a block wall with my maternal line and could really use some help.
I am attempting to find my ancestors on my Rodarte line.
"Mandas Forsosas": Pregunta general sobre testamento
(English below)
He encotrado varias veces en testamentos o defunciones la frase "dejó a cada una de las mandas forsosas" y luego una cantidad de dinero.
Found Raphael Femat and Raphaela Aguilar
Raphael Femat married Juana Raphaela Aguilar after 14 march 1789 (date of informacion matrimonial) in zacatecas (sagrario). They both state coyote as their caste.