Investigacion Villa de Santa Maria de los Lagos, S-XVII

Hola a todos:

Estoy buscando esta informacion:

1- PADRON de la Villa de Santa Maria de los Lagos y su Jurisdiccion Parroquial, levantado en el año 1676

Vicente Carlos Servantes?

Does anyone have Vicente Carlos Servantes in their tree?

I estimate his birth circa 1735-45 in Tlaltenango de Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas.

Medina Surname

Although I don't have the Medina surname in my tree, I have also been curious about it because the name is common in northwestern Durango.

Castañeda de Atolinga

Since there were so many discoveries on another Castañeda forum, I thought I'd try again.

I'm trying to get more info, anything, on Castañedas from Atolinga, Zac.

Here's what I have:

General Digest, Vol 87, Issue 1


My great-grandfather was Emigdio Medina. In the 1880's he resided in El
Paso del Norte and antagonized the USA in the famous Cutting Case.


It is one of my family names on my paternal grandmother's father's
side. I just typed the name into Google and up pops the meaning that
it pertains to thorns.

General Digest, Vol 87, Issue 2

Hi Fellow Nuestro Ranchos Familia, Since we are on the Surname Origin where does the Acevedo, Valdovinos, Guerrero, Barragan, Espinoza, Maciel/Masiel  come from.

Pedro Sanchez de Porras Padron de Sevilla 1576

Buscando a los Sanchez-Castellanos en Sevilla encontre a Pedro Sanchez de Porras que era habitante de Sevilla en aquellos años, los Sanchez de Porras los he visto por Cuquio, Jalisco pero he visto lo