You are hereForums / Genealogy Research / HELP WITH MY RODARTE / LOPEZ LINE


By YMEDINA - Posted on 13 March 2013

I have reached a block wall with my maternal line and could really use some help.

I am attempting to find my ancestors on my Rodarte line.

My great grandmother was Maria Rodarte, her parents were SABINO RODARTE and CIPRIANA LOPEZ. The other children they had were Maria, Virgina, Felipa, Pedro, Faustino and Antonio. I have been unable to locate any info any further back that Sabino Rodarte and Cipriana Lopez. The lived in San Buenaventura, Coahuila which were most of their children were born. I know that they are also related to the Rodarte bullfighter family. Maria Rodarte was my great grandmother. She had children from JESUS SIFUENTES

Their births range in the 1880's.

Your assistance and info would be deeply appreciated

thank you,
Yvonne Medina