Mejicanos, Zacatecas or the family Barron
Does someone know the town of Mejicanos, Zacatecas or the family Barron. I cannot find LDS records for this town. Thank you.
Help needed on the names of paternal grandparents
I would appreciate anyone who could tell me the names of the paternal grandparents on the baptism record for Jose Braulio Romulo Luna (last entry on the left-hand page).
LIFE in Colonial MEXICO , Collection of letters from a woman living in Nueva Espana
Hola !
I am trying to locate the name of a book I used to read online. It was a collection of letters in ingles, from a woman in Collonial Nueva Espana Mejico.
busqueda en family search
Hi!!!Does anyone have info on the Martin del campo Family specially on Domingo Martin del Campo (jalisco)???and on Antonio Amaro,Cesario Amaro,Eduvigis Guerrero, Angel Guerrero,Emeteria Guerrero and G
Does anyone know if the abbreviations Antto and Antta mean Antonio y Antonia, respectively?
Thank You: Volunteers/Gracias: Voluntarios
Thanks to all of you that responded to offer help with checking the new
Los Garabatos in Tepatitlan
While researching my Salazar family from the Tepatitlan area, I am starting to notice several of them living in a place called Los Garabatos.
Help with two names.
I'm transcribing my 6th great grandparents' marriage record. Franco. de Salazar and Maria Leonor Rodriguez were married in Tepatitlan, Jalisco on October 2, 1730. This is the link.
Exclamation Point Next to Name
Does anyone know what's the meaning of the exclamation point next to a name? For example one of the baptism records reads as follows: "...hijo legitimo de Dn Mig! Gallegos...
Luciano Lomellini
Luciano Lomellini is named in a will of his brother Napoleone Lomellini in 1587.
They are the sons of Paolo Vincenzo Lomellini and Caterina Spinola