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Jesús Maria Catholic death records

Does someone know why Jesús Maria does not have Catholic Church death records? They only have the registros.

Cristobal Martínez Lozano

Dear Members,

Recently I have been revisiting some lines that I had worked on a few years ago, trying to tie down some loose ends.

Book: Extractos de Informes Matrimoniales en el Obispado de Michoacán...

Guillermo Padilla Origel's book, Extractos de Informes Matrimoniales en el Obispado de Michoacán durante el Siglo XVII (1630-1685), is referenced a couple of times on

Rafael Jimenez family introduction

My name is Rafael Luiz Jimenez and I just joined the group. I have been looking into my family history for around three years off and on.

introduction of the Vázquez del Mercado family

Hello everyone, I am Ramón E Sánchez Vázquez del Mercado, I am 62 years old and for more than 10 years I have dedicated a lot of time to the genealogy referring to the surname Vázquez del Mercado, my

introduction of the Vázquez del Mercado family

Hello everyone, I am Ramón E Sánchez Vázquez del Mercado, I am 62 years old and for more than 10 years I have dedicated a lot of time to the genealogy referring to the surname Vázquez del Mercado, my


Hello Everyone,


Hello everyone, I am Ramón E Sánchez Vázquez del Mercado, I am 62 years old and for more than 10 years I have dedicated a lot of time to the genealogy referring to the surname Vázquez del Mercado, my