Padrinos de brazos

I just came across this term in a baptism record of an ancestor. Does anyone know what specifically it means and how it's different (if it is) from regular unmodified "padrinos"?

CORONA: Álvarez Corona, Fernández Corona, González Corona

I believe I have found the parents of doña Isabel Álvarez Corona, the wife of conquistador don Martín Monje, giving us the origin of the above compound surnames:

Quillno or Quilino

I'm working with a cousin on his genealogy

One of his ancestors is listed as either first name Quillno or more likely Quilino

FYI: We Are Cousins Conference

Looks like a nice round up of speakers with years of experience.


Hola prim@s,

The San Luis Potosí miscellaneous archives continue to be a great source of information, and not just for known Potosina families!

Capitán Juan Fonseca / Gertrudis Gómez de Aguilar

Hola a todos,

Espero puedan ayudarme. Estoy buscando información sobre el Capitán Juan Fonseca que casó con Gertrudis Gómez de Aguilar en segundas nupcias. Yo desciendo de su hija Francisca.

Hold The Contributions For Now

Thank you to Manny Diez, Raquel Ruiz and Daniel Pedrero for joining the other 22 individuals in contributing to the Site Revival/Update/Maintenance fund.

NR FB Workgroup: Join Today

Just in case you have not heard - There is a Workgroup for the NR Group.

Antonio de Aguayo, Inés de Tapia y Aguayo and the González Corona line

Dear Members,

I posted this in the general forum topic by accident, but it really should be in the research section. I also started a new topic because the old one was from 2009.