Joseph Simon Gutierrez Coronado and Juana Ayala y Valdivia

I have recently connected myself to Joseph Simon Gutierrez Coronado and Juana Ayala y Valdivia.

Hold The Contributions For Now

Many thanks to Manny Diez for his contribution. Please wait before you send in more contributions as the Workgroup has not decided how the contributions will be handled.


Hola prim@s,

NR Workgroup

Just in case you have not heard - There is a Workgroup for the NR Group.

2 Additional Members Donated

David Serna and Susanna Leniski join the following members in donating to the previous call for donations to get the website updated and back online.

Help in reading Maria del Refugio Lopez y Vasquez’s mother’s first name.

I need help in reading the name of Maria del Refugio Lopez y Vasquez’s mother. Her father’s name is Juan Lopez.

Question what is a fosa?

On pg 41 in the middle right after (Hijo Legitimo suyo y de Flaviana Larra....fosa de 3rd Clase por 5 anos en el panteon municipal....)

The following is a link to the record.