Looking for the parents of Joseph Eusebio Tello de Orozco
Please Help!
I descend from Joseph Eusebio Tello de Orosco and Ana Beatriz Gutierrez
San Isidro, Apozol, Zacatecas
I recently found the primary family I'm researching in Jalisco had moved over to "San Isidro, Apozol, Zacatecas" by the 1930 census. When I Google this, I keep getting a place called "Los Llamas."
Chilchota, Michoacan & 17th Century
En los libros de registros de la parroquia de Chilchota, se analizo que los indigenas era registrados en un libro aparte, los espanoles en otro libro aparte y las demas razas juntos con mulatos, mexti
check out the new article regarding descendants of moctezuma etc
i am praying that there is someone that can shed some light, my wife is 38 years old was never told who her father was, until recent being at 38 years old heart breaking, the infomation she obtain is
Gauging interest for Matrimonial Dispensations from Valladolid (Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico).
Hola Primos!
Vasquez de Mercado: Cuquio, Tepatitlan, Nochistlan, and Fresnillo 1600's
Rick responded to a post I had made in another part of the Forum; however, to prevent that post from going off topic I decided to make its own.
Rick's slightly edited post:
Valle de Huejucar antes de 1750
Alguien ha encontrado habitantes de Mecatabasco o Valle de huejucar antes de 1750?
Delete Alert: Somos Primos "We are cousins" April 2017
-----Original Message-----
From: mimilozano@somosprimos.com [mailto:mimilozano@somosprimos.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2017 5:51 PM
To: mimilozano@aol.com
Subject: Somos Primos "We are cousins"