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Indexed info available for some Obispado de Michoacan records.

By dserna1 - Posted on 01 April 2017


In a previous post, I asked the question of how much interest existed for indexed information from the Obispado de Michoacan records. Given the replies offline, there is interest. While I was not aware that Katy Albrect was already thinking of doing the same... I had already gone ahead (A couple of weeks ago) and have a website and some records already indexed. For the time being and until I figure out how I can collaborate with Katy on this, you can view the indexed records I have here:

It has a whopping total of 4 1/2 (almost finished with the fifth) indexed films. It's a humble start, but, as we figure out how to collaborate, I hope it will grow in one way or another. There are over a 1000 films to index! The task will take more than any one person to get through.

In the first batch of indexes, I already see records for Ocotlan, Poncitlan, and La Barca, that I hope will be useful to this group, along with the other info for families that originated in Michoacan, Guanajuato, and San Luis Potosi.

In the meantime, enjoy!

P.S. if you have any feedback on the website, I'm all ears. (

Thanks for your time and your attention,

Daniel Serna Valencia