Viva Aguascalientes

Many thanks to all who have contributed to my project on Chihuahua.

I intend to follow up my study on Chihuahua with one on Aguascalientes along the same broad outlines.

So if you have any books you can part with on Aguascalientes, or old family photos to share, please let me know.

Viva Chihuahua!

I'm writing an English language guide to the genealogy and history of Chihuahua that I think will be of use to everyone tracing their roots to Chihuahua.

I need additional source material. In particular books on Chihuahua's history and genealogy as well as family narratives. There must be several hundred books on the subject, virtualy 99% in Spanish, most out of print, most had small print runs in the first place, many were printed by small concerns in out of the way towns and pueblos.

Estancias de Nochistlan

Do you have a list of the La Estancias ... in and around Nochistlan?


Charles Clark

Charles, there is one called "La Estancia" and another is "La Estancia de Luis de Velazco", in addition to "La Estancia de los Delgadillos," which I sent to you earlier.

"New File Update" Notifications?

Hello All! long time no posting! Anyway, when someone posts a new "genealogical" file, or edit's does everyone/anyone find out? The reason I ask is that I added to new files to my tree and wondered how anyone would know to go there and look at it?

Nochistlan/La Estancias

Hi All,

Charles asked me this question and since my research is not around
Nochistlan I thought I'd forward this on to the group. If any of you all
have this information maybe it would be good to make a file in the

research Digest, Vol 4, Issue 9

> Arturo & Joseph,

I believe that priests (maybe only some?) are still required to submit
genealogical type of information. The reason I say this is that I visited
an Uncle of mine who lives in the Rancho de San Nicolás de los Abundis a few

Priests' Genealogies

I remember reading somewhere that priests were required (prior to Mexican independence) to submit a certification of purity of blood (limpieza de sangre). These certifications were basically genealogies going back a few generations.



Is this the same Diego ROMO DE VIVAR that was born 12 Mar 1589 in Relves,
Toledo, Espana? If so, he is my 8th GGrandfather.

Ken Alva
Southern California

Fiestas de Mexico

Gracias to all member that responded favorable.
My project has taken me from prehispanic time to the present(1968-71). I have tried to incorporate several short stories "cuentos" and novels that has a "Fiesta" or celebration of somewhere within the drama/dialog. Some have a political overtone, but I feel strongly that the message must continue and that more mexicanos/hispanics/chicanos must be aware. I hope I don't offend or shock anyone. Thanks, Francisco.

Joseph's Gedcom: How To Delete Living Individuals from a Gedcom FTM on Family Tree Maker

Okay I finally got around to stripping the living people out of my
gedcom and uploading it to the Gedcom section of the group: have a look
at it when you have some time.

Here is how I was told by a member of the Family Tree Maker lysis group