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"New File Update" Notifications?

By scooterpie1968 - Posted on 15 May 2006

Hello All! long time no posting! Anyway, when someone posts a new "genealogical" file, or edit's does everyone/anyone find out? The reason I ask is that I added to new files to my tree and wondered how anyone would know to go there and look at it?

If there is something else that I'm not doing, then I guess this is my it goes...

I'm very excited to tell you all that I've been moving forward in my research and have found two more "limbs" in my family tree that landed in Zacatecas! Please view my "Baez Family" file and my "Oviedo Family". This is my maternal line - one that I didn't think would interest this group because my researched centered in turns out this road led me to Noria de Angeles, Zacatecas, Fresnillo Zacatecas and Zacatecas Zacatecas.

Hope all the Mother's out there had a great day - I know I did....
