Fwd: still searching for viramontes

I have become very frustrated lately, I have spent hours and hours online
searching various web sites in search of some sort of links to my family. with
no luck. about the microfilms can anyone tell me, do you order them through

banuelos/Sanchez lineage

I'm afraid there is no match.... my direct ancestor comes through their daughter Leonarda, who's daughter, Perfecta Castanon who married Severiano Perez who's parent's Victoriano Perez and Felipa Zamora are my direct ancestors. I've tried to find Perfecta's father Pedro Castanon connection to my line of Castanon's but haven't so far... so our kinship makes us kissing cousins I'm afraid..

Moctezuma's haplogroup

I want to share some of the letter from Gary Felix at our findings of Haplogroup-N for my Gutierrez ancestor.. Ernie, you're looking for genetic proof of lineage so I thought this was a interesting fact Gary Felix shared, the fact that Moctezuma's lineage shares Haplogroup N3, a offshoot of Haplogroup-N.. just food for thought...

Common Ancestors

As I understand the article we are all the children of Moctezuma in the broadest possible interpretation of the term because he has living descendants. Because he is a link in the human chain.

He was descendent from the sole human survivor, as well. It is not necessarily a direct linear descent, but an interconnected relatedness in which every living person on earth shares DNA with each other, and with persons such as Moctezuma, Cortez, the Hapsburgs...

Linda's Banuelos


I saw this in your gedcom. Please do tell me that we are cousins and
that this person is in your direct line of decendancy? Are you, could
you shall we start celebrating that we as long lost cousins have found

El Paso Library

I discovered the El Paso library was set to open this July, but
it's mid-July and nothing yet. Can't seem to contact anyone
either. Will keep you informed.


Connie Dominguez
El Paso, TX, USA


Hello everyone,
My name is Leticia Salazar, and I am new to this group, I joined the group
in hope of extending my familytree and helping others do the same. My
research began back in 2000 after I purchased a book for my mother on genealogy,

Alderete Ancestry

Never heard of them. Who are they?

My Alderete ancestry is very iffy. My paternal lineage that I uploaded traces back through my gggrandmother Silvestra Romo in Coahuila back to Aguascalientes. Through my father's maternal side.

Sonora Websites

I am researching in Sonora and searching for the elusive TISNADO who
migrated to Sonora from someplace in the seventeenth century.

These websites have been most useful to me and my be of use to someone

research Digest, Vol 6, Issue 15

Hi Rose,

I am researching in Sonora and searching for the elusive TISNADO who
migrated to Sonora from someplace in the seventeenth century.

Try these websites: