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By Leticia - Posted on 17 July 2006

Hello everyone,
My name is Leticia Salazar, and I am new to this group, I joined the group
in hope of extending my familytree and helping others do the same. My
research began back in 2000 after I purchased a book for my mother on genealogy,
(Filigranas, Fundaciones y Genealogias de Tepetongo, Jerez Zac.) by Jose
Leon Robles De La Torre, although the book contains many families including my
Parents, many of the family tree are wrong. I am hoping one day write my own
book and include not only genealogies but also life and struggles that lead
families to this country.

I have created a PAF5 that contains over 1,000 names, if anyone is from
Municipio de Tepetongo Zac, I am more than willing to share my info.

At this time I have a couple of questions for anyone from this area, I am
stuck on two names, Pantaleona Carlos who history claims was married to a Rafael
Felix back in 1790, although there are many Rafael Felix I can't find any
concrete evidence they were married. I would really appreciate anyones help.

thank you very much
