Juana Mendoza and other Los Altos families

> Hola Ronnie,

I do have the marriage of Juana Regina de Mendoza and Domingo Lomelin in my
database and a few entries for their children (Jose and Manuel), but it may
not be as complete as what you have since they are not my direct lines.

Attention Maria Elena Cortez--MANUEL GOMEZ

Hola Maria Elena,My name is Ronnie Reynoso from Claremont,Calif. My Granndparents are from Los Altos de Jalisco(San Julian ,Jalisco) about 15 minutes from San Miguel el Alto.I checked your file and noticed you have alot of the same family lines> I was checking Prima Irma Gomez Lucero file on MANUEL GOMEZ-my question is is at the bottom letter to Irma . She wrote back recommended I ask you .Irma doesn't recall her source concerning Juana Mendoza 's children 's spouses. I was wondering what is correct.


Thank you so much for the information, my Juan Jose Acevedo was married to Manuela de la Vega; since the only records are their sons marriages, I think they must have married between 1750 and 1773, as their first son was born in 1773. His name was Jose Torribio. I appreciate your information is Tlatenango close to Tepetongo?


Hello to all the researchers out there.

I am still trying to find information on my Acevedo Line. The farthest back I have gone is to 1773 in Tepetongo, Zacatecas.

Jose Toribio born about 1773 in Tepetongo, Zacatecas, married Trinidad Quesada. He also remarried after being widowed; to Maria Rita Almaraz on December 1830.

Travelling Priest

Maybe history and folklore/jokes get mixed up...here is a joke I heard long
time ago about priests and traveling.

Once, when priests traveled from small towns to small towns, he stopped at
this woman's house who always hosted him upon his arrival. She was poor, but

San Juan Bautista

San Juan Bautista is the parish of Sombrerette
Esther A. Herold

-------------- Original message from Leticia Leon : --------------

> San Juan Bautista is the name of a parrish or the name of a town or a ranch?

Intro Cervantes and Picazo, Encarnacion de Diaz

My mother is an immigrant from Mexico who became a U.S. citizen; my father’s family all came from the New Mexico area and became citizens when the U.S. bought (or stole) the territories. So basically, all my ancestors were of Mexican descent.

Teocaltiche: Leathercraft Y Los Rodriguez (M.Vallazza)

I'm not related either -- that I know of. But I'd love to hear how the
story pans out -- and I too live in the Inland Empire of southern California
in the city of Rancho Cucamonga.

~Deena Ortiz~

San Martin, Zacatecas and Panuco

I am also looking for a history of San Martin, Zacatecas. I believe the colonists fought in the Chichimeca War. I am researching my Navarro Rodriguez family.

I am also researching Panuco before 1600. I am researching Sepulvedas and General Zavala family.

Colonial Somberette and Jacqez family


I have traced my La Riva line to Tomas Jaquez who married in San Juan Del RIo, Durango in 1689. The marriage record stated he was from Somberette, Zacatecas. I guess he was he was born about 1660. I can't find church records for that period in Somberette. I suspect the family was French. I am looking for any information for the early colonial Somberette. I would like the names of several books just on Somberette. I know about the mines but outside of the Toolosa and Ybarra familes I do not know about other families living there. I know by looking at some immigration records, some Jacquez came from Flanders. If anyone can give me any clues or suggestions I would most appreciate it.