

I finally was able to bring up that letter of 1591 from the Viceroy Luis de Velasco to the King, but it has eight pages.

Tlaxcalans in Zacatecas

In 1591, 400 families left Tlaxcala to colonize the northern lands of the Chichimecas. Some of them reached Zacatecas. I believe some of them went north to New Mexico with Juan de Onate in 1598.

Coahuila and Nuevo Leon Films

I have uploaded a large number of batch numbers for Coahuila and Nuevo Leon to the films database on Nuestros Ranchos.

Research Digest, Vol 48, Issue 19

Out of the office.


Nicolas Macias&Josefa de Alvarado andThomas Macias-Maria Lopez de Lizalde

I remember reading an article from a fellow genealogist that found the documentation in utah when he studied the genealogical tables/history of the meNdoza family.

La Familia de Anda en conección con el apellido Villalobos

Hola a todos, nada mas para saludarlos, e invitarlos a ver mi carpeta donde agregue algunos nombres, haciendolo con el mejor de mi criterio, que no dudo habra talvez algun error, nombre de carpeta:

Research Digest, Vol 48, Issue 18

Beatriz Lopez-de-Elizalde is the daughter of Don Juan Lopez-de-Elizalde-y-Aberruza
and Dona Leonor Becerra-y-Sanchez-de-Mendoza

John Inclan

From: "resear

Wonderful link!!


To everybody researching roots in spain:

Nicolas Macias&Josefa de Alvarado and Thomas Macias-Maria Lopez de Lizalde

Sisters Maria Lopez de Elizalde and Josefa de Alvarado, daughters of Luis de Alvarado and Beatriz Lopez de Elizalde, married respectively Thomas Macias (13 Sept 1659) and Nicolas Macias (21 Feb 1662).

Consejo para Cortez

Necesito un consejo. La acata de mi abuela Elena Gonzales Torres no exsiste. Able con el registro civil de Guanajuato y despues de mucha busqueda me dijieron que mi abula nunca fue registrada.