Jews in Mexico
1. The Virtual Jewish History Tour - Mexico
Cyber encyclopedia of Jewish history and culture that covers everything from anti ...
Jewish Los Altos - Are we confusing Cryptowith Converso?
------Original Message------
From: Daniel Mendez de Camino y Soto
To: Patty Hoyos
Subject: Re: [Nuestros
Indigenous And Other Peoples of the Region
I would like to mention about the Indigenous Huichole Indians that inhabit the region. Because on my maternal grandparents side, my maternal grandfather has Huichole ancestry.
Rick Rodriguez
Here's the connection of Juan Gonzalez de Hermosillo and Diego Gonzalez de Hermosillo.
Juan Gonzalez de Hermosillo married to Maria Munoz Montonia, they had:
Gonzales de Hermosillo
Rick Rodriguez
Correction to my last post on the Gonzalez de Hermosillo/Gonzalez Rubio.
Gonzalez de Hermosillo
To: Rick Rodriguez
This is the information that I have, I hope it helps to answer your question about the Gonzalez de Hermosillo and the Gonzalez Rubio.
Gonzalez de Hermosillo y Gonzalez Rubio
Hola Nuestros Ranchos,
Disculpen mi ignorancia, pero alguien podría decirme si las familias
Gonzalez de Hermosillo y Gonzalez Rubio en algún punto descienden de una
misma persona o sin son
DVD de Conferencia del Dr. Mariano Gonzalez Leal sobre Los Altos de Jalisco
Hola miembros de Nuestros Ranchos,
A alguien de ustedes les interesa obtener una copia del DVD de la
conferencia que dio Don Mariano González Leal sobre la historia y origen de
Los Altos de
To Aaron & other R1b males on this forum
Hi Aaron, you seem to know a lot about the R1b Haplogroup and have probably done a lot more research on the topic than me, so can you or any other member here help me decipher this???
General Digest, Vol 49, Issue 8
Yes we are talking about the founding Altenos (non meso americans) of that region as a majority were Western Europeans paternally.