Laguna Grande Zacs.

Most of my family were christened en La Capilla de Laguna Grande, Zacs, by
Telesforo Carlos. I have viewed some microfilm.  But, I would like Batch numbers
for that church?

LDS digitized Mexico records have moved online from the Pilot Site to the Beta Site

Just a FYI....I haven't seen any postings regarding the move of the digitized Mexico records.

New Member Intro

Hi Everyone, My name is Alexandra Piedad Ramos Soto and I've been researching my family history on and off (had a son which took a lot of my time)for about 7 years.

Aldonza de Villasenor Davalos e Hijar/ Juan Dosal de Lamadrid

I have an Aldonsa Villasenor y Davalos (AFN:1N81-0PP) married to Juan Dosal de Lamadrid (AFN:1N81-0NH), Teniente General de la Sierra de Tepeji y Sombrete, Alcalde Mayor de Charcas.

hacienda de San pedro,Huanusco ,Zacatecas

Hi NR members ,needing info on La Hacienda de San Pedro,Huanusco Zacatecas.
My Grandfather Juan Antonio Rubio Barajas lived there in 1890.

My Introduction - Sanchez Family

Hello Everyone,
My name is Jesus Sanchez and this is my first post to the Nuestros Ranchos website.  I have been concentrating my research to my paternal Sanchez side of the family for several

Please ignore my previous message...

I hit the wrong button and sent the message by mistake.  Will send another email.

Sanchez Family Research - My Introduction

1.     Justo Sanchez-1 was born in Mexico.
Perfecta Gonzalez was born in Mexico. Justo Sanchez and Perfecta Gonzalez married. They had the following children:

Familia Hurtado

Tengo un libro llamado "Retoños de España en la nueva Galicia" tomo II y me encantaría conseguir el tomo I y principalmente el tomo III porque ahí esta toda la información referente a mi familia,

¿Quieres conocer la antigua belleza de Guadalajara?

¿Quieres conocer la antigua belleza de Guadalajara, La ciudad de las Rosas, La perla de Occidente, La perla Tapatia?