Member Discussion List Privileges Suspended

I have suspended the discussion list privileges for because of spam.

If there was a way I could prevent this before the spam is sent out to
the list I would be glad

ex-Hacienda de San Pedro ,Huanusco

Hello fellow members of Nuestros Ranchos ,I am interested in any recent photos of La ex -Hacienda de San Pedro ,Huanusco and would like to see the original casa del Hacendado and also of the Main Hous

Familia de la Cámara y Menoyo. Hacienda de Santa Clara.

Hola compañeros de nuestros ranchos, tengo tiempo en búsqueda de mis ancestros de la Cámara y Menoyo, vecinos de la Hacienda de Santa Clara en jurisdicción de Jalpa, Zacatecas.

The 2nd Annual Nueva Galicia Genealogical Society Conference

This is just to let the Nuestros Ranchos group know that the registration form is now available for the 2nd Annual Nueva Galicia Genealogical Society Conference, to be held on April 30, 2011 in Rancho

Trying To Locate Old Cemetaries in Your Village


When I was at our village of Huejuquilla, Jalisco, Mexico. I went over to the current cemetary to find my grandparents and great grandparents.


Esto es lo que se, pero si alguien puede confirmarme, se lo agradecere

C. Jose de Jesus Langarica Salcedo

Cortez Alvarado from Jalisco

Alguien tiene alguna idea de cuando van a poner algunos records de Ojuelos De Jalisco?


Greetings to all: I have not been following the thread on this name as I do not read spanish very well.

Ramírez de Arellano

Alguien podría ayudarme con cualquier información de la historia y origen de la familia Ramírez de Arellano, estoy estudiando su posible relación con la familia Hidalgo y Costilla o simplemente Co

How to bring up Search on Beta?

I found the Search page for Mexico baptisms, and I try to complete the fields, but the courser doesn't appear to allow me to do so. What am I doing wrong?