translation websites

Thank you for your suggestions. None of the translation sites work
for website. I don't think it wants to be


Need Origin for Bartelomo Viramontes

My parents are both from Jalpa, Zacatecas. I have been able to trace three branches of my mother’s ancestry to Bartelomo Viramontes.

Alvarez/Campos Family

Thank you so much for this info! I have been stuck for years with this couple.
I have never been able to find either of their parents and you have solved this
for me. I am so very grateful.

FW: Alvarez Campos

Juan de Dios Alvarez es hijo de Juan Antonio Alvarez y Rita Serrano y Rafaela Campos de Antonio Campos y Maria Francisca Castañeda segun el acta de matrimonio del 15 mayo 1793

Copy of an original civil record-translating website

I've tried four different translation websites and none of them could
translate the website.

Alvarez Family/ Zacatecas and Jalisco

I am researching the Alvarez family from the Zacatecas and Jalisco areas. I have been able to trace my lineage of this family back to an Jose Ma.

Luna Family from Tlaltenango

I don't seem to be able to break any further than what I now have for my
Luna line. I was able to find Maria Trejo's parents (Tomas Trejo and Maria

Copy of an original civil record - Leticia Leon Morales

Leticia, a very fast an easy way to obtain a new copy of an Acta de
Nacimiento from many towns in Mexico is using the Service of a specialized
agency named: TU TRAMITE EN MEXICO.

I Need Help on Finding More on My Magallanes Line

Hello I Recently started doing more research on my Magallanes line and this is what I have so far.

My Great Grandma (Soledad Magallanes Teposte) Born in 1909 In Tlaltenango, Zacatecas