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Need Origin for Bartelomo Viramontes

By mariatinhb - Posted on 30 January 2011

My parents are both from Jalpa, Zacatecas. I have been able to trace three branches of my mother’s ancestry to Bartelomo Viramontes. In fact, he is mentioned as a common ancestor in many marriage dispensation in the 1860’s that involves a Viramontes in a Jalpa marriage. I almost believe that he is the common ancestor for all Viramontes(es) that have a connection to Jalpa. Of course, that may not really be the case. My guess is that Bartelomo Viramontes did not originate from Jalpa. I would really appreciate any guidance or information on the origin of this ancestor. Based on my best calculations, he was likely born in the mid to late 1700’s. Some of his children were: Cristobal Viramontes, Jose Maria Viramontes, Gregoria Viramontes, and Juan De Dios Viramontes.

Thank you,
Maria-Elena Lopez Viramontes