Response from Feedback
Below is the response I got from Feedback at Family Search re my problems with their new Viewer.
No Troubles
A couple of days ago when I started to have troubles with the familysearch I had a friend who works with computers for a living check out the situation. He told me that the problem appeared to
GuadalajaraDispensas: 1798-1799 FHL Source Film N/A
Hello everyone,
Another file posted tonight. I will post one more tomorrow and these two should keep you all busy over the weekend! :)
Now posted: 1798-1799 FHL Source Film N/A
Acerca de Aguascalientes y una dispensa
Hola a todos:
Printing Problem on
A couple of days ago, I was unable to print just the selected item on the page and sent Family Search an emai. Following is the reply I received today:
Dear Judith Marentes,
Joseph de Anda y Nicolasa Maria Moreno
Sigo con la investigación de los Moreno.
Annual San Jose Viva Fest and Mariachi Festival
Dear Members of Nuestros Ranchos,
See the link for the announcement for the annual San Jose Mariachi Festival.
Every year is more exciting than the next.
Question regarding first names
Dear NR primos,
Would it be common to have different children named "Jose Maria" + a different middle name?
Question regarding first names
Dear NR primos,
Would it be common to have different children named "Jose Maria" + a different middle name?