Hello everybody. Im getting familiar with the site. I would like to know if somebody is related with the Medina/Núñez in ATOTONILCO el alto or with OROZCO/ARRIAGA en SAN IGNACIO CERRO GORDO.
DNAgedcom Files Help
I need to download a Chromosome Browser file from through the Family Tree DNA link, for the Nueva Galicia DNA project, which I did.
Ancient Celts(Galicia, Spain), Great Zimbabwe(Africa), La Quemada (Huichols Zacatecas)
I by accident ran across pictures of the dwellings of "Great Zimbabwe" of Africa and was startled.
Research Digest, Vol 93, Issue 5
yes unsubscribe me please
FW: The Suebi Connection to New Mexican Families (Haplogroup I)
Email Angel directly for the attachment:
From: Angel R.
Luis Beltran y Antonia Lopez
En cuanto mande el correo electronico, encontre la informacion del matrimonio. Los padres de Luis son Pedro de la Cueva y Tomasa Lopez. Padres de Antonia son Nicolas Lopez y Regina Albarado.
Luis Beltran ( de la Cueva) y Antonia Lopez (de Lisaldi)?
Hola, Luis Beltran y Antonia Lopez se casaron el 13 de Julio de 1680. El matrimonio do lista sus padres y no e podido encontrar la informacion matrimonial.
Dwellings of Ancient Galicia Spain with Current Dwellings of Indigenous Huichols of Jalisco (Nuevo Galicia)
I found an interesting comparison of ancient dwellings of Galicia, Spain with current dwellings of the indigenous Huichols of Jalisco (Nuevo Galicia original name of Jalisco, Mexico):
Luis Munoz
Hola Members/Primos, I am stuck . I cannot get past Estevan Munoz married to Maria Ygnacia Reynoso. Their son Nepomuceno Munoz married to Maria Faustina Marquez.