Francisco de Orozco ?
Hola Members ,I am trying to see how many Francisco de Orozcos there are cause I am getting confused.
Was "Minillas" of Mezquitic, Jalisco, Mexico a "Hacienda?"
I found this reference where it mentions "De La Hacienda De Minillas"
Manuela Madera (1686 - 1738) - Sister of my GGGGGG Grandfather Joseph Madera of Minillas, Mezquitic, Jalisco, Mexico
I have some copies of the sister of my GGGGGG Grandfather Joseph Madera (1684 - 1734). Her name is "Manuela Madera" Copy of her bautismo June 23, 1686:
Acta Defuncion Zacoalco de Torrez
Encontre una copia del Acta de Defuncion de mi Abuelo Juan Castro originario de Barranca de Santa Clara, Jalisco donde dice que murio de bala y que fue enterrado en una fosa de 3ra clase en el Cemente
Looking for members who have ancestors from Los Portales Jalisco close to Jalostotitlan, San Miguel el Alto
I was looking at some old postings on nuestro ranchos and saw that Irma Gomez Lucero and John Gonzalez both descend from people from Los Portales Jalisco.
Jalpa Marriages, 1685-1712
I have a partial transcription of Libro 80 from marriages in Jalpa
covering 1685-1712.
I'm hoping that you can identify some of the names listed below.
Pruebas de ADN
Hola a todos,
Website Down Morning of Saturday November 29
The Nuestros Ranchos website will be taken down the morning of Saturday November 29 for approximately three hours.
Nuestro Rancho's search
For the past two weeks I have been putting names in the search field in an attempt to retrieve old postings that I want to update with my latest research. What pops up is "ERROR".
Nuevo or New Tag
Question, I noticed that when I post a new topic never comes up with the Tag "New" or "Nuevo". How do you make your post to come up with this tag?
Happy Thanksgiving!