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Looking for members who have ancestors from Los Portales Jalisco close to Jalostotitlan, San Miguel el Alto

By Visitor - Posted on 29 November 2014

I was looking at some old postings on nuestro ranchos and saw that Irma Gomez Lucero and John Gonzalez both descend from people from Los Portales Jalisco. Los Portales is so small that almost everyone that descends from its inhabitants are relatively closely related. Miguel Gutierrez is another nuestro rancho member with Los Portales ancestors. Santo Toribio Romo Gonzalez is related all of us that have Los Portales ancestors.

I was hoping to find out what other nuestro ranchos members have los Portales ancestors.

My Portales ancestors were Romo, Gutierrez, Gonzalez, Perez, Franco, Jimenez, Martin del Campo

R A Ricci