Old Maps of Ciudad Zacatecas por Bernardo De Portugal

Here are some old maps of Ciudad Zacatecas por Bernardo De Portugal about year 1723:

Need Help for Reading Document Pasajero De Indias 1606 to Mexico

In 1606, one of my ancestors (Joan de Angon) traveled from Brihuelas, Spain to Mexico on the Pasajeros de Indias list.

In the PARS website:


Ranch registration

Hello everyone,

El Tule Aguascalientes

Could someone tell me what city or town I will find Christening records for people born in El Tule, Aguascalientes in 1892-1900?

Sketch if Ciudad Zacateca 1884

I found a sketch of ciudad zacatecas year 1884:


and also a sketch of the governor of zacatecas same year:


Need Help in using Aguascalientes Online Archive in more detail can someone please help?

Someone has posted an Aguascalientes online archive which is this:


to get in username: sigue.publica
password: publica

What was Real De Asientos For In Aguascalientes During Colonial Times?

I am curious about what was Real De Asientos for in Aguascalientes and if there were those places in other towns of Mexico?

Also what is a Mercader?

Where was Cuisco?

My great grandfather Bernardo del Real (Herrera) was born in Cuisco, Jal.
I can not locate this town on any map. Was it integrated into Colotlan?

What else can you do in this Aguascalientes New Search Query website for archives online?

Someone had posted in the past this website of Aguascalientes where you can look at archive online. He had given the login name and password to get in: