Map of Mexico City 1524
I also found this link that has old books of Mexico:
i'm confused so...
are miguel caldera and maria cid siblings or is miguel caldera her uncle. miguel's will refers to maria cid as his sister, but tomas villegas's ordenes refers to miguel as being maria cid's uncle.
Familia Colores
Buen día a todos,
Estoy buscando la geneologia de la Familia Colores, mi bisabuelo fue Mariano Colores se que residió en Zacatecas Ojo Caliente entre los años 1,900 a 1,910, agradecería mucho su apoyo en aportar información sobre este apellido.
Muchas Gracias!!
i indexed an ordenes collection
Research Digest, Vol 113, Issue 8
Interesting reading about the Limon last name my mom is from yahualica Jalisco do you know where does the Limon come from I have heard they have shepardic lineage.
can someone help me decipher this page,171974101,180057801
i'm having a hard time understanding some parts of this page
How reliable are holcombe's letters
Jalisco Church records update
I notice that Familysearch updated the church records for Jalisco on 3 June, 2015. Does anyone know how to locate the records that actually were added?
Leonardo de la Torre Berumen
does anyone have an e-mail address for Mr. Leonardo de la Torre Berumen in Jerez?
I thought he was part of Nuestros Ranchos but I don't see his name.
Linda Castanon-Long
Olympia, Wa
finding Sagrada Mitra film
I'm asking help in finding this film
source: sagrada mitra 167980 film - record # 301
page 64 Familysearch online program