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Possible ancestry of Phelipe Marquez de los Olivos of Colotlan

By The Genealogist - Posted on 01 June 2015

Phelipe Marquez de los Olivos and his wife Francisca Xaviera Sanchez are the ancestors of many families associated with Colotlan. I have had trouble tracing any solid ancestry for them, but I have accumulated some possibilities. I am hoping that by presenting them here, other researchers may be able to present other sources that may help confirm or refute these possibilities.

Phelipe Marquez de los Olivos’s father was a Joseph Marquez de los Olivos as shown by the following dispensa:,171974101,1085378051

This Joseph Marquez de los Olivos also appears in Holcombe’s notes page 174-175:

“…Joseph Márquez de los Olivos is in the following “órden sacerdotal”:

Pedro Félix Bonilla rendered information in Zacatecas and Colotlán in 1779. Born in Colotlán 26 February 1743 his legitimate parents were Francisco Tadeo Bonilla and María Manuela Márquez de los Olivos (+). Paternal Grandparents: Salvador Bonilla and Rosa Saldaña. Maternal Grandparents: Felipe Márquez and Francisca Xaviera Sánchez, natives of Zacatecas. Paternal maternal Great Grandparents: Joseph Márquez de los Olivos and Gertrudis Rincón Berrótegui. Maternal-maternal Great Grandparents: Bartolomé Sánchez and Josepha Cabañas.”

Does anyone know how to look up the original “órden sacerdotal” document that Holcombe refers to here?

I know nothing more about Bartolome Sanchez and Josepha Cabanas, but a marriage record of Joseph Marquez de los Olivos and Gertrudis Rincon does exist as found here:,171934502,173508701

It shows that Joseph Marquez de los Olivos was a natural son of Capitan Miguel Marquez de los Olivos and Luisa de Figueroa. Apart from his natural son, Capitan Miguel Marquez de los Olivos was legitimately married to Maria Rincon widow of Capitan Joseph Martin Gallardo.

This is confirmed in the book:
La hacienda "Ciénega de Mata" de los Rincón Gallardo: un modelo excepcional de latifundio novohispano durante los siglos XVII y XVIII, by José Fernando Alcaide Aguilar, 2004.
Pages 66, 226, and 470.

An interesting note on page 470: footnote number 488 at the bottom of the page shows Capitan Miguel Marquez de los Olivos becoming Alguacil Mayor de Juchipila and mentions him as the brother of a Diego Marquez de los Olivos. The record that footnote number 488 is referring to can be referenced at:

2. click on the tab labeled “Busqueda Sencilla,”
3. where it says “Buscar” type in “Miguel Marquez de los Olivos”
4. click Audiencia de Guadalajara
6. click “Ver imagenes”

The problem is that I am not able to find where it mentions Diego Marquez de los Olivos.

In any event, the only Diego Marquez de los Olivos that I know of who fits this time period would be the Diego Marquez de los Olivos (1617-1672) who was the son of a Joseph Marquez de los Olivos and a Maria de Ornelas. Could this also mean that Capitan Miguel Marquez de los Olivos is their son?

Holcombe only offers one clue to the parentage of Capitan Miguel Marquez de los Olivos
In Holcombe’s letters page 174-175:

“He [referring to Capitan Miguel Márquez de los Olivos] was from Juchipila or Jalpa and a natural son of Captain X Márquez de los Olivos -- don’t recall the details.”

I wish he had recalled the details and I wish I knew what source he extracted this information from. Could this mean that (Capitan?) Joseph Marquez de los Olivos married Maria de Ornelas and had Diego Marquez de los Olivos, but also had a natural son Capitan Miguel Marquez de los Olivos. Has anyone seen evidence of Joseph (husband of Maria de Ornelas) ever being a “Capitan”?

Anything further back becomes extremely sketchy. Holcombe only offers two possibilities to the parentage of Joseph Marquez de los Olivos (husband of Maria de Ornelas):

1. Holcombe’s letters Page 91:
“In the same volume of marriages from the Sagrario(Cathedral) parish in Mexico City (not microfilmed) … is this matrimony:

Entry No. 140: 2 July 1570. Joseph Márquez, a son of Joseph Márquez and Luisa de Acosta, and María de Lerma, daughter of Diego Hurtado and María de Lerma.. “Testigos fueron el Sr. canónigo García Machuca, sedero y Cristóbal Rodríguez Proaño.” Could be the parents of you know-who [referring to Joseph Marquez de los Olivos (husband of Maria de Ornelas)]. Suggest you see if pasajeros a Indias data for the parents of both is in the digests and look for christenings of the married couple’s children in the Sagrario, to see if they had a son Joseph (he’d be the third in a row). [If] … not in the Sagrario, try the Santa Veracruz parish.”

2. Holcombe’s letters Page 170:
“He [referring to Joseph Marquez de los Olivos (husband of Maria de Ornelas)] might have been related to somewhat older Lorenzo Márquez, the husband as of c.1602 of Beatriz López, daughter of Beatriz López de Fuenllana. They disappear from Lagos after 1610. Lorenzo could have founded Sauz de los Márquez and Joseph followed him to the hacienda on the Northern frontier. Look for Lorenzo as well as Joseph in the Tierras y Aguas records. What if Lorenzo married 2nd to Beatriz López and Joseph was a son from the first wife? In Ojocaliente some baptisms and marriages have been found in the 1650s. There’s not a lot, but it’s better than nothing. Photocopies will be obtained for the Historical Archives. They’re obviously not microfilmed.”

As for the previously mentioned Gertrudis Rincon:
The marriage record of Joseph Marquez de los Olivos and Gertrudis Rincon does not mention her parents. There is no corresponding info. mat. record for this marriage in Cienega. Oddly, there is an info. mat. for this marriage in Aguacalientes found here:,64894502,69793901

Originaly I thought that Gertrudis Rincon would turn up being the daughter of Capitan Nicolas Martin Gallardo and Juana Rincon de Ortega, and a granddaughter of Capitan Juan Rincon de Vivar. This is not the case. The Aguacalientes info. mat. does not name her parents but names Capitan Juan Rincon de Vivar as her uncle. Presumably, one of his siblings is one of Gertrudis Rincon’s parents. The problem is that Capitan Juan Rincon de Vivar’s siblings all had statuses that were not indicative to having children. That I know of, they are: Agustin (considered to have no descendants), Pedro (a priest), Francisco (who died as a child), Maria (went into a convent), and Elena (also went into a convent). This leads me to think that she may have been a natural daughter of one of them, but which one? Her age is given as 15 in the info. mat. which gives her a birth year of about 1656. Maria and Elena would have been aged 47 and 43 in 1656; a little old to be having natural children but not impossible. It would be more possible for older men to sire natural children. I don’t know if Agustin was alive in 1656 but Pedro was.

Does anyone have any other information that might clear this up?

I would appreciate any opinions or additional sources that may confirm or refute the possibilities presented here.

