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Race on census and other forms

By Laura Gonzalez - Posted on 20 April 2015

Piggy-backing on the conversation about who's Latino, I was wondering what people mark for race on census and other forms. Until a few years ago, I marked "white," like the vast majority of non-black Latinos. But some friends got me to think about it, and I reached the conclusion (before DNA testing) that I, like most of us of Mexican ancestry, am more NA in culture than white (Spanish). My DNA testing only reinformed my belief, since I'm a B2.

I know very few Mexicans who mark NA, and I even checked the info on my students. Hasta los más morenos are identified as white.

Of course, one problem is that being called an "indio" is a big putdown, so I'm guessing most Mexicans won't be checking NA anytime soon.


Laura Gonzalez