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value of sharing records

By longsjourney - Posted on 29 January 2014

I want to thank Daniel Mendez for his hard work checking and rechecking records especially when they are shared records. Due to his work I found I have a serious error on my/our Mendez line when I connected them to the Rolon line in Jalisco. I really thought I had checked and double checked but Daniel found a marriage dispensation for our ancestor Jose Guadalupe Mendez married and widowed with Francisca Valencia, in his second marriage to Altragracia Figueroa she states that Francisca Valencia was her aunt. when their lineage was shown her Mother was not the Josefa Figueroa I thought she was...

I am going to miss the Rolon family even though Daniel had found he is related to them through another line.. they no longer belong to me. Lot's of corrections to be done to my files on since I list who family is..
Daniel thank you again
Linda Castanon-Long in Boulder City, Nv