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Verdin / Berdin - Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco

By joansull - Posted on 15 June 2013

I'm new to nuestrosranchos and am still learning. I've been working on my family genealogy for a long time, and have finally been able to find documentation through (lots of baptism records!)

My 3rd Great Grandmother was named Eduvige Casillas Verdin (1798), her mother was Maria Jesus Verdin Romo, or Ana Jesus Berdin (unknown birth date), depending on the documents I've found. Her grandfather was Pascual Verdin Villavicencio Moya (1717 or 1735, I have found both of these dates for him)

Pascual's parents seem to be Juan Bautista Verdin y Codar and Maria de Josefa Villavicencio Moya y Monroy, but this is based only on other's family tree and not on and documentation.

I would appreciate any suggestions on finding a good connection between Eduvige and Juan Bautista and Maria de Josefa. I feel as if I"m missing a generation somewhere between them.

Thank you,
Joan Ochoa Sullivan