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Baptism Requirements

By ccarrillo55 - Posted on 04 February 2012

I have a general question that may have already been answered so I apologize in advance. My question is I heard somewhere that once born, the parents were required to baptize their son or daughter within a certain number of days after birth? Can someone confirm this?

As a second part of my question, I am trying to find my wife's grandfather that was from Tecolotlan, Jal. I do not see his name in any Tecolotlan Jalisco records so I have expanded my search to neighboring municipalities since I discovered his family were cattle herders that made trips to "La Costa" (now my search has really expanded).

If my wife's grandfather was born during one of these cattle herds, and they were instructed to baptize and register by a certain number of days after birth, would they be welcomed to baptismal rights at a church/town they did not belong and were simply passing along?