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Ruiz de Esparza

By Bill Figueroa - Posted on 26 January 2007

First off, Francisco Esparsa (est. 1828) married Maria de la Luz Avila. There marriage should of happened during late 1840's-early and mid 1850's. Next Matiana Esparsa married Pablo Vasquez during the 1850's. In Huanusco the surname Esparsa as I have seen it and what I've been told is Esparza isn't a common surname in that place they all have a connection in La Luz I have several other Esparsa lines that belong to my 4th and 3rd cousins and so forth and should have a connection to ours. Because the Esparsa migrated to Huanusco in a different Hacienda called El Saucillo and then came to our Hacienda "La Luz" after an Esparsa married into the Camino family. This moving to La Luz happened during the 1890's. Some other Esparsa lines are as follows Biburcio Esparsa (1850) who married Aniceta Renteria, Crisanta Esparsa (1860) who married Ramon Lopez, Jose Esparsa (1848) who married Marta Ortiz, Marcelo Esparsa (1873) who married Ysidra Garcia Frausto, Maria Paula Esparsa who married Marcelino Reveles, and Petra Esparsa who married Jacinto Vargas. Im related to most of the Esparsa spouses (i.e. Garcia, Renteria, Lopez etc.) but I also do know all these other Esparsa lines should be related at some point. Their ancestors did come from Calvillo, Ags. Is there any books about the Esparsas? Thanks. Any help or advice is appreciated.