Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (Recommended Reading)

Hello everyone,

I would like to bring some attention to a new book:

Familias paterna y materna de sor Juana Inés de la Cruz: hallazgos documentales

Michoacán any info

Anyone related to this families.

Santos Coy, Cardenas, Velasco Pena

Perhaps someone has already answered this question. If yes, let me know so I can look in the old posts. If not, does someone know if both Agueda de los Santos Coy and Agueda de Pena are the same.

Testamentos, Escrituras, etc. can be viewed online

In the website now you can view such things as testamentos, escrituras online. You click on the link such as testamentos, the scroll down to see the list and dates.

Donde Encontrar información sobre Parroquias

Resulta que estoy buscando a mis ancestros Contreras, llegue a un punto donde ya no encuentro información, me acabo de dar cuenta que ya no hay registros en FamilySearch de Calvillo antes de 1770 , en

Aguajes and Minas ranchos

Do we know who were/are the original owners of these "ranchos?


Hi I was wondering why I can not see anything on GEDCOM? Is it not working?

Thanks Lisa

rancho seco teocaltiche

Alguien sabrá donde es Rancho Seco Teocaltiche, actualmente.

Real de Pinos

Well, after many years of searching I finally found a record that listed the names of great great grandparents. I am thrilled beyond and beyond..