"Finding Your Mexican Ancestors" book

I just wanted to let everyone know, that George & Peggy Ryskamp, just published a new book titled "Finding Your Mexican Ancestors, A Beginner's Guide". It is available through Ancestry at the moment. From what I have been able to read, it is a very good book, especially for beginners and for those of us, who have been researching for a while.

Introduction, presentación


I'm new to nuestros ranchos so I hope I am writing to the correct address and in the correct language (if I'm not I apologize).

I've been working in my family history for 3 years now but mainly in Yucatán and Galicia from where my father's family came from.


What is the differnce between Informacion Matrimonial films and regular Matrimonio films?

Newest Prima!!!: was- Delgados of Pinos, Zacatecas

Hi there Josie ,

Do you add the hominy or corn into the menudo , in California we put the corn in and the people here in Monterrey get furious with me cuz they say that is NOT the way it's supposed to be . I tell them ( in jest ) that the reason I have come to Monterrey is to get them all back on the right path , that they have strayed and have forgotten to add the corn to menudo , I laugh and they just stare at me , go figure . hehe


Have you tested the Haro male dna? Are you going to do this in the future?

Esther A. Herold

-------------- Original message from cavilah : --------------

Thank You Alicia


You are welcome, it is always my pleasure to help out and because I am self taught on the computer, most everything I have learned is by trial and error and believe me there has been much error but every mistake I make allows me to learn something new. If I didn't take the risk and try something, I would not learn something new.

Ruiz/Sedano - Typhoid Epidemic in Zacatecas

Hi, all. While attempting to obtain some oral history from my grandmother on my Ruiz and Sedano lines from Tlaltenango & Sedanos, Zacatecas, I found out that one of my Ruiz ancestors was born "in the year of the typhoid epidemic." Now, I imagine this was probably sometime after 1920, which is the approximate year of my great-great grandfather's, Felipe Ruiz Róbles, marriage to my great-grandmother. The reason I mention him is becuase he was one of those assigned to carry the catloads of typhoid victims to the "camposanto." My grandmother says that when the poor, homeless people who would go around asking for "un atolito," the cart carriers would say, "Atolito? ¡Cual! ¡Camposanto!" and then throw them in the cart and take them to the camposanto (Probably because they figured they were already carrying the disease.). Anyway, I know that is not relevant, but I thought it was an interesting anecdote. My real purpose for this post is to find out if anyone has come across any reference to this "year of the typhoid epidemic" that may help me to find the birth year for this ancestor and possible a lead to follow for my elusive paternal lines...

Santelices and Valderramas in Panuco

I've completed a PAF5 from the Family Search site. The film that contains the only documentation available is #1092766. What's the next step? Thanks for your help, Alice

--- arturo.ramos2@gmail.com wrote:

Delgados of Pinos, Zacatecas

Dear Grupo, You guys need to realize and appreciate how truly blessed you are! You have been able to make family connections and share information. Everyday I read every email, even the ones I struggle with in Spanish. Every week I go to my FHC and find absolutely nothing. If it weren't that the only documented family members are in Panuco, Zacatecas, I'd think I'm in the wrong group! I need to share my experience, because I don't want the group to think that I don't care to share or don't work on my genealogy. It's just not happening. If there are any Santelices, Valerramas, Candelas, or Onates from the 19th to 20th century that I could connect with; I'd love to hear from you. Take care and continued success. Alice

What would you change about the Nuestros Ranchos Website? Que cambiaria del sitio Nuestros Ranchos?

As I start planning the makeover of the Nuestros Ranchos website, I am hoping that in addition to updating some of the code and the aesthetics of the site, we will be able to improve the functionality of the site. If there is something particular that you would like improved upon, please let us know. We cannot guarantee that the change will be made but we will endeavor to take into account any and all suggestions.