Early Aguascalientes Marriages

Is there a resource for early marriage records from Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes. There appears to be no filmed marriage records prior to 1663.

I am looking for the marriage of Felipe Diaz de Santiago with Isabel de Turises which should have occured sometime between 1630 and 1640.

Genaro Martinez

Hola a Todos!

Busco algien que se llama Genaro Martinez nacido alrededor ¿1890-1895?, hijo de Aurelio Martinez. No conosco la madre. Y no conosco donde nacio. Solamente se que debe de ser Ojuelos, Jalisco, Pinos, Zacatecas o Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes.

New Site for Information About Finding Your Ancestors In Mexico

Let me suggest that you visit the "Mexico folder" link below, of a new Family Search (Research Wiki - Beta) page that contains all-around information about finding ancestors in Mexico.

It includes about 50 recent Articles (written this year by LDS family history experts), - - - with descriptive information, links and references with a high quantity of research sources, bibliographies, disertations, monographs, lessons, and other concepts relating to research about ancestries in Mexico.

Ancestros Zacapanecos

If any of you have Guatemala roots or have friends with Guatemala roots
here is some important information:

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: NFU Site Generated/
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2007 20:47:58 -0500 (CDT)

Santos Coy

I am a descendant of the Juan Caliz also. I descend throught the Arredondos who married Santos COy and the Yslas Palacios of the mining area of Villaldama, Nuevo Leon who also married Santos Coy.

THe dna testing the results posted out on Gary Felix's Genealogy of Mexico website suggest a semitic origin to the family.

Proyecto de Genealogia Molecular

Here is a Message from a member of the NuestrosRanchos.com group. Have a
look at this web page for the images Benicio refers too:
http://www.nuestrosranchos.com/node/16278 This album is open to the

[Genealogia.org.mx] 14160 ocotlan 1

Hola Compañeros Genealogistas;

El motivo de la presente es darles las gracias a todas
las personas que me ayudaron en lo que pudieron sobre
mi solicitud de ayuda para saber donde se encontraba el

Ramirez De Coy

I have attached a pdf file of what I have so far. I have used the books of Garemendia Leal and the archives of monterrey as sources for this information.

Diego Vázquez de Buendía descendencia

I am looking for descendencia de Diego Vázquez de Buendía
Diego Vázquez de Buendía puede ser hijo del conquistador casó con
Josepha Flores que era difunta el 12 de Octubre de 1645 cuando testó el


Any information about Don GABRIEL ORDOÑEZ RIFARACHE Clérigo Presbítero. I
know that "Don Fray Juan de Valle y Arredondo (Obispo 1608-1617) le
presentó al oficio de Pánuco y villa de Aguascalientes y después al del