General Digest, Vol 26, Issue 10

hola juan jose

referente al archivo historico en jalos, desconozco si exista, pero en la sagrada mitra de gdl. existe bastante informacion de jalos, matrimonios, nacimientos, defunciones y censos parroquiales de varios años, ademas en gdl. existe otro archivo, donde estan titulos de propiedad, y probablemente testamentos, ese no se el lugarb exacto, ni el domicilio pero lo puedo indagar.....atte. lupita gonzalez>> 1. Re: Archivo Histórico de Jalostotiltán, Jalisco.> (Juan Jose Ramirez Ibarra SJL Jal)> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------> Hola amigos, qu?en me puede decir si en el municipio de Jalostotitl?n, Jalisco existe alg?n archivo hist?rico en el que pueda hacer consultas de investigaci?n. Me gustar?a obtener algunos testamentos o en su caso juicios de intestamentarios.> > Si me pueden decir horarios del archivo mejor.> >

My New Email address

Hey Peeps...
I will be deleting my "scooterpie" email account and replacing it with this:

Please make a note of it....


Zacatecans in Durango

I came across 2 Zacatecan families last night when searching civil birth records in Panuco de Coronado, Durango, while doing some research on my paternal grandmother's line. I noted them just in case they are of value to anyone in the group.

Archivo Histórico de Jalostotiltán, Jalisco.

Hola amigos, qu¡en me puede decir si en el municipio de Jalostotitlán, Jalisco existe algún archivo histórico en el que pueda hacer consultas de investigación. Me gustaría obtener algunos testamentos o en su caso juicios de intestamentarios.

Jewish Influences in the Jalisco Highlands


Do any of your results match my Romero's J2b1b (old J2e2)? My
Romero's are from Tepatitlan de Morelos, Jalisco. I have traced them
back to Serapio Romero, born about 1820. My grandmother's DNA is

Genealogia de mi Padre (Lopez-Ornelas)

Desde hace tiempo trato de comunicarme con ustedes para ver si me pueden ayudar con alguna informacion sobre mis ancestros. Mi nombre es Esther Jordan (Lopez) y vivo en San Diego, California.

Ahnentafel Chart for Rafael Ornelas Lopez

Jewish Influences in the Jalisco Highlands


Many of my family members have done dna testing. The Mexican is a mixed lot. Many of my Villarreal cousins have tested and the testing indicates and traditions suggest a jewish heritage. Then there is my mother's maternal grandfther who's gene's were tested cpurtesy of my mother's maternal cousin revealed that my great grandfather's line was celtic. Then there are my Arriola cousin's tests that reaveal them to be Trevino Velasco and that is my maternal grandfather's line that show's them to be semitic but I not sure if they were jews. Then there is my father's line the Arredondos, care of my brother. His test also revealed a semetic heritage which I believe might be Greek. My brother also did a mitochrondial test to reveal an indian heritage.

reseaching baptism film from Jerez Zacatecas Mexico

Just wanted to let anyone who is researching in Jerez Zacatecas Mexico that I am working on Baptisms 1836 to 1840 #0439851. If anyone needs a look up please let me know. I'd be happy to check for you. I'm finding it to be a very important film for his area of research since the years from 1841 to 1866 are missing. I would also be glad to share whatever film information I have for this area. I can send an atttachment of whatever films I have copied. You can contact me directly at

Estrataficaion de la

We appear to agree....the point, I think, is the "era" of acceptance...and
increasing change of the demographics of Mexico throughout the centuries.

Thank you for the article...interesting read.

Estrataficaion de la Sociedad en Nueva Espana

Hola Bill...
Te voy contestar in Ingles....proque no puedo comunicarme muy bien en
Espanol sobre tu opinion que no creas que los negros y mulatos ocupaban una casta
superior a los indigenas.