Steven Francisco Hernandez Lopez

I need the e-mail address of Steven Francisco Hernandez Lopez, regarding his ancestry from Garnica Surname.

Diego de Villalpando

I am trying to find additional information on Diego de Villalpando.

Rancho El Oceano Y Santa Teresa Jalisco

My research revolves around Ledesma,Cienega de Mata,Chinampas Jalisco.

Casa de Cabrera

                            CASA DE CABRERA
Santo Fernando III, Rey de Castilla & Leon y
 su Reina,  Dona Beatriz de Survia
Don Enrique, Infante de Castilla y

Nuestros Ranchos- I think we have a connection

If I'm correct - I don't have my research with me and I haven't heard back from Angie yet but this would not be far fetched because Angie and I already established years ago that our lines cross - but

De La Torre Orphans

I created a folder by mistake earlier. Please disregard my earlier information about node 18110. This file was deleted.

Greetings from a Newbie

Hello! I'm glad to have found a site dedicated to the exact area that my ancestors are from...

8 Real Coins

I have some significant happenings in my family in 1793 with my GGGG
grandparents Justo Puente and Josefa Sanchez being married in Sombrerete
and also my twin GGG grandfathers both named Jose Ta

Marquez v. Marquez de Los Olivos

I am curious about something. Is the Marquez surname a shortened version
of Marquez de los Olivos?

my beloved braceros

I'm in the "planning" stage of painting a series of my beloved braceros.

I already have several already painted in my mind's eye.