Castañeda en Tamazula , Jalisco
Hello everyone
I came across this information on the Informacion matrimonial of Tomas Castañeda con Josefa Orta (3.grandparents) as they were related... the record I'm referring to is:
Does this mean that there would have been a dispensa? or is the little piece of paper is the priest giving them the okay?
What are your thoughts?
Map of Earliest Baptism Dates of Colotlan-Tlaltenango Area Churches
When you find that a baptism, marriage or burial happened before the earliest record in the church where you have been finding the family records, you want to know which church in the area has earlier
Osuna, de Ossuna, Osuna y Cortes
I have been researching my Osuna family lines and could use some help.
Need help translating this Marriage document. Who are the witnesses
I have only begun to read in Spanish since starting to trace my grandmothers decendents. I can anyone help translate this
Book recommendations
Can anyone recommend books that are written of the history of Ranchos, Churches, people, of Zacatecas and Jalisco?
Canción "El Tilichero Aquel"
Mi bisabuelo, Jesús Merced López, nacido el 24 Sep de 1873 era natural de Tepetiltique, Jalisco, pero avecinado en Mexticacán.
Atenguillo 1895 Padron Ranchos and Haciendas, Tepic Diocese
Atenguillo, Tepic, Jalisco produced a Padron in 1895.
Felipe Villasenor and Maria Domingo Sanchez Castellanos lineage
Hello everyone. My Name is Robert Sheldon. I am excited to be part of this group. I have read a lot of posts here and it has been very informative.
Rancho Tepusco Paso de Sotos(Villa Hildago) Jalisco, Mexico
I am interested to know where my great grandparents are buried. The name and location of the Cemetary.
Archivo General de Indias
Has anybody actually traced their ancestor back to the ships?
Listas de Pasajeros a Indias, Passenger Lists to the Indies?